Distinguished Blog - Risk Insight

Market insights and industry news.

Protecting Art and Collectibles from Hurricanes

Collections are priceless and irreplaceable. In the event of a natural disaster such as a hurricane, financial loss can be devastating. That’s why it’s crucial that clients rely upon their brokers to fully understand their exposure and ensure they’re obtaining appropriate protection for their collections. In this guide, we will provide you with important information…


Claim Story – Gun Violence and How You Can Avoid It

Fatal gun violence is becoming a national epidemic, and the tragic aftermath can leave a lasting scar on families, communities and the businesses involved. Below, we tell the story of a popular Chicago hotel and outline some key points on how to help prevent a fatal shooting on your property.


The Go-To Guide for Railing and Window Safety

They can be pretty. But they can also be pretty dangerous. When it comes to railing and window safety, there are some key codes to follow to ensure that your home or business are accessible and danger-proof. In this guide, you’re going to learn about why you need to be aware of the dangers of…


Hurricane Prep 101: Tips From the Locals and FEMA


How to Create a Safer Pool Area for Public Facilities

Is your pool area safe for swimmers, large and small? Taking a dip during those hot summer days can be fun and inviting, but many people overlook some essential features when it comes to keeping their pool safe and secure. Without the right safety features in place, a day of fun can turn into a…


Claim Story – Even the Best Intentions can Lead to Bitter Disputes

We know that it’s essential for you to have the tools you need to show your customers the importance of proper D&O coverage for their community association.  We also know that nothing makes that point clearer than a real-world claim illustrating how even the best intentions can lead to dispute and disaster.


Infographic – The High Cost of a Damaged Reputation

Violence on your property can cost you your reputation and a whole lot more. When an event occurs that damages a company’s reputation, exorbitant amounts of money can be spent on everything from lawsuits, personnel expenses, and marketing to repair the brand’s name. Investments already made to the brand might have to be reevaluated and…


Claim Story – Pool Safety

Teenage horseplay at a condo’s swimming pool took a turn for the worse when one young man dove headfirst into the shallow end of the pool. The condominium’s community association was left facing a $5 million personal injury claim due to not having proper pool safety rules clearly posted and enforced, as well as a…


Preventing Legionella Before It Infects the Masses

Legionnaires’ disease may not make front-page news every week, but when it hits a community, it can be devastating.  Hotels with pools and hot tubs, property owners with buildings that have cooling towers or fountains—and anyone nearby can be affected. If the naturally occurring bacterium Legionella gets out of balance, it can make people very…


High Cost of a Pool Claim

For many, a community swimming pool is a small luxury that can bring family and friends together. But just like any other recreational area, there is always the risk of personal injury for those using the facilities. A pool claim can be costly to a community association. Emergency room visits for a near drowning victim can range…


Liquor Liability Risk Management Tips

Restaurant owners and managers should be implementing best business practices to help mitigate their operation’s alcohol-related risks. According to a report from the Center on Alcohol Marketing and Youth (CAMY)  54.3% of binge drinkers who reported driving after their most recent binge-drinking episode drank in an on-premises, retail, alcohol-serving establishment such as a bar, club, or restaurant. Please…