Distinguished Blog - Risk Insight

Market insights and industry news.

Protecting Art and Collectibles from Hurricanes

Collections are priceless and irreplaceable. In the event of a natural disaster such as a hurricane, financial loss can be devastating. That’s why it’s crucial that clients rely upon their brokers to fully understand their exposure and ensure they’re obtaining appropriate protection for their collections. In this guide, we will provide you with important information…


Inside the HVAC Risk and COVID-19 Exposure in Restaurants, Office Buildings

COVID-19 is spread either by inhaling respiratory droplets or, more rarely, touching a contaminated surface and then your eyes, according to the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). However, aerosol transmission of the disease cannot be ruled out, says WHO, with the possibility that the virus can be…


Swimming Pool Safety Equipment and Spa Safety Measures

While some community association pools remain closed, others are open, under new, socially distant protocol. Ensuring that residents are safe from COVID-19 is likely at the forefront of community association owners’ minds, but the possibility of an injury caused by unsafe pool and spa practices is still an important consideration. In addition to a full-coverage…


Are You Hurricane-Prepared?

Hurricane season is here — and although fortunately up to now we have had fairly little activity, there is no reason to sit back. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has predicted a 60% chance of an above-normal season, with as many as 19 named storms and up to 10 hurricanes coming our way….


Remote Work Cybersecurity Best Practices

Hacking activity is up, with cybercriminals taking advantage of remote work vulnerabilities amid the COVID-19 crisis. There are approximately 85 million Americans working from home. In fact, researchers cite that activity against corporations in the United States more than doubled by some measures in March, with malware infections, phishing tactics ,and ransomware running rampant. That’s…


Top Five Vacant Building Losses

The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) estimates that U.S. fire departments respond to an average of 30,200 structure fires per year in vacant properties. The most recent data (2016) estimates direct property damage to these properties at $710 million annually.


How to Offset Negative Google Reviews

When assessing risk, underwriters look at more than just a business’ application. To get a complete and comprehensive picture of a business, underwriters sift through all available data, from loss history to google reviews. When a property has negative google reviews — for instance, a reviewer complains about a hotel’s cleanliness — or fails to…


Why Do Your Clients Need High Limits?

Over the last decade, we have seen a litigation landscape with nuclear verdicts running in the tens and even hundreds of millions of dollars, fueled by an aggressive plaintiff bar and anti-corporate sentiment that continues to gain momentum today. Jurors are made to feel that someone needs to pay – and pay big – in…


Avoiding Legionnaires’ Outbreaks as Businesses Reopen

Amid COVID-19, remote work became the new normal, with the doors to most commercial offices closed for at least 90 days. The same was true for hotels, restaurants, theaters, gyms, factories, and other businesses that have been temporarily shut due to the pandemic. As businesses reopen, now there are also concerns about Legionnaires’ outbreaks, a…


Wildfire Preparedness Part II: Mitigating Risk

Researchers are discovering that embers blown by the wind during wildfires cause most of the fires that burn homes, according to the Insurance Institute of Information (I.I.I.). In addition, homes less than 15 feet apart are more likely to burn in clusters. In such cases, fire is often spread by combustible fences and decks connected…


Wildfire Preparedness: Creating a Defensible Space

Wildfire season is once again upon us with the Western United States anticipating raging fires after a winter of not much rainfall. Further exacerbating the potential for real devastation from the wildfires is the coronavirus, which interrupted the normal firefighting training and forest management that typically take place in the spring. Social distancing also presents…