Distinguished Blog - Risk Insight

Market insights and industry news.

Protecting Art and Collectibles from Hurricanes

Collections are priceless and irreplaceable. In the event of a natural disaster such as a hurricane, financial loss can be devastating. That’s why it’s crucial that clients rely upon their brokers to fully understand their exposure and ensure they’re obtaining appropriate protection for their collections. In this guide, we will provide you with important information…


Active Shooter in the Workplace

Think back to your growing-up days. Do you remember the three-step mantra taught by the firefighters during fire safety presentations? Can you recite the instruction that everyone was to follow if they happened to be involved in a fire? Stop, Drop, and Roll. It became ingrained in many of our minds and retained into adulthood….


You’ll Probably Want to Skip Wearing the Clown Costume This Halloween

No one has died or been seriously injured – but a bit of Clown Hysteria 2016 is sweeping the nation. When readying the house for trick-or-treaters, ensuring a safe Halloween on your property is key, clown crisis be damned. But you may want to pass on the clown face paint and rubber nose this year….


Help Tenants with Fire Prevention and Safety Tips

According to FEMA, nearly 108,000 multi-family residential building fires are reported to U.S. fire departments each year and cause an estimated 410 deaths, 4,125 injuries, and $1.3 billion in property loss (this doesn’t include indirect damage such as business interruption). What’s more, multi-family residential building fires account for 29% of all residential building fires. Multi-family…


Hotel Security Cameras: Now You See Me

Caught on Tape! (Or not) Now, Kim Kardashian West may not be renting one of your suites next month or booking a room at your hotel anytime soon, but her recent robbery is an example of lax security measures that resulted in a successful crime. This reality star diva was robbed at gunpoint, tied up,…


Travel Insurance 101

Hurricane season is in full force and many travelers are having to cancel their vacation plans. If you think hotels will refund due to bad weather, you may be in for a surprise. Depending on your hotels cancellation policy you can still be charged. If you are cautious and purchased travel insurance, you also need…


The Very Real Costs of Sexual Harassment

It’s not something that only happens in other industries. If you’re reading this blog, it’s likely prevalent in yours. Mild or severe, sexual harassment in the workplace happens, and companies are paying the price. In 2015, $46 million was paid to victims in the nearly 7,000 lawsuits that were filed, according to the EEOC.


Lax Security Results in Tragedy, Hits Bottom Line for Apartment Owners

A $10 million verdict was not what the owners of an apartment complex in Clayton County, Georgia expected to hear in connection with a 2015 shooting death of one of its residents. But that’s exactly the amount the jury rendered after it was convinced by the victim’s lawyer that the owners of the complex were…


Arlo Guthrie, Tesla, and Hotel Signage

Sometimes you need a trivia to start your day. So, what do folk artist Arlo Guthrie and the rock-band Tesla have in common? You guessed it. Hit songs. And now for the bonus points…hit songs that mention signs. Physical, posted-for-all-to-read signs, like the ones you may (or may not) have at your hotel.


Olympic Cyber Attack on the Athletes

If you listened to our interview with Gabriella Coleman, you know that cyber liability is of particular interest to us. That’s why today’s news about the cyber attack into the medical information of some of the top US Olympic athletes caught our eye immediately.


Migration Season: Tips for Snowbirds

You may overhear murmurs of it in line at the post office, pharmacy, or coffee stand. “Oh yes, just filling out my change-of-address form; I’ll be heading to Florida soon.” OR: “Bob and I are going to be closing up the house for winter and heading to Scottsdale in a few weeks.” AND: “I’ve got…