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Fido Plus Your Hotel’s Pillows Equals….
We’re not sure how you feel about dogs in hotels, but what do you think…
Givers Gonna Give, Takers Gonna Take
Are you a giver or a taker? Finding the balance between giving and taking is…
Addressing D&O Exposures of Nonprofit Board Members
D&O exposures of nonprofit board members include but are not limited to harassment, discrimination, wrongful termination, inefficient…
Composting 101 for Hotels
Wait, wait, don’t throw out those coffee grounds! Welcome to hotel composting 101: where your…
We’ve Secured an International Stevie Award for Customer Service!
And the award goes to . . . (please note there will be no Oscar-type…
Thinking Out of the Box: Our Top 10 Picks for Funkiest Hotel Amenities
When’s the last time you got excited about a 4oz bottle of shampoo? We thought…
Robot-Hotels in Your Future?
Could robot hotels be in our future? In Nagasaki, Japan, the future arrived last year…
Human Trafficking on the Rise—How Hotels Can Help
How can 1.6 million photos of empty hotel rooms help curb human trafficking? Hotel pics…