Distinguished Blog - Risk Insight

Market insights and industry news.

Protecting Art and Collectibles from Hurricanes

Collections are priceless and irreplaceable. In the event of a natural disaster such as a hurricane, financial loss can be devastating. That’s why it’s crucial that clients rely upon their brokers to fully understand their exposure and ensure they’re obtaining appropriate protection for their collections. In this guide, we will provide you with important information…


Best Way to Secure a Door Lock System

It’s a phone call no property owner wants to receive. Your tenant’s door locks did not keep a perpetrator out. The tenant has been assaulted in his or her apartment – in one of your buildings. The victim has survived a robbery along with a physical assault and the perpetrator has been caught. Now the legal…


Women’s March on Washington – Hotels are Booked

This Saturday, Jan. 21, 2017 the Women’s March on Washington is scheduled to begin at 10 a.m. Area hotels have been booked since Election Day, but last-minute accommodations may be found at luxury hotels, low-budget hotels, and vacation rentals. Hotel providers may want to have travel tips and restaurant recommendations on hand.


Dangers of Guest Bathroom Slips and Falls

Guest injuries due to bathtub or shower slips and falls remain a constant source of exposure for hospitality management, and no wonder considering the abundancy of potential risks. In fact, a study on hotel accidents conducted by Cornell University concluded that at 42%, slips and falls were the most common type of accident hotel guests…


A Bird’s-Eye View on High-Rise Window Security

A century ago, buildings that were more than a few stories high were an engineering marvel; today, multi-storied and high-rise hotels are plentiful and routinely soar to increasing heights, all the better to market the expansive views as a major marketing point. Unfortunately, unique exposures exist that can trigger general liability and umbrella liability claims—consider…


Are Valets Steering Your Business in the Right Direction?

You’ve worked to give your establishment a certain cachet to cultivate the desired clientele. The ambiance begins in the parking lot, the moment guests drive up and hand their keys over to the red-jacketed valets out front. Giving your valets a snappy uniform is only the beginning; equipping them with processes geared toward safety and…


Hackers Targeting Hotel Ransomware Attacks

Imagine it’s check-in or check-out time at your hotel on a Saturday right before a holiday and the entire computer system is locked. Kaput. Smiles and sorrys aren’t doing the trick. The “server reboot to the rescue” doesn’t get business up-and-running.  In fact, it turns out that your software has been attacked by ransomware—a nasty…


The Tragic Aftermath of the Oakland Warehouse Fire

There are so many things wrong with this horrible situation that we’re not sure where to start. No. That’s not true. Let’s start with the fact that 36 people are dead or missing after this horrible fire in Oakland, and our hearts ached for their families. Then, for the sake of clarity, let’s audibly set…


Holiday Fire Safety Tips to Keep Property Owners, Tenants Safe

‘Tis the season for lighting candles, tree trimming, and getting into the holiday spirit as Chanukah and Christmas draw near. But with all the “fa-la-la-la-la” also come holiday fire safety hazards that property owners and tenants need to keep in mind. Here are some stats to consider from the National Fire Protection Agency:


Fire Safety Tips for Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is right around the corner! If you didn’t know, cooking is the #1 cause of home fires and fire injuries. Help increase awareness about preventing home fires this holiday season with these fire safety tips for Thanksgiving from FEMA. According to FEMA, nearly 108,000 multi-family residential building fires are reported to U.S. fire departments…


Winter Weather Preparedness: Don’t Leave Your Business Out in the Cold

Old Man Winter is unpredictable and blows in a number of challenges that need to be addressed ahead of time in order for a business to effectively mitigate and minimize risk – from property damage to employee illness or injury, and even business closures. Following is some practical information to help protect your business and…