Distinguished Blog - Real Estate

Market insights and industry news.

Builder’s Risk Insurance: What Your Clients Need to Know

The moment construction begins, a property is at risk of damage. Whether it’s theft, accidental fires, floods, or more, there can be a number of major risks to these buildings.  That’s why it’s crucial that any property undergoing construction, improvements, or renovations has a comprehensive Builder’s Risk insurance policy. This kind of insurance policy is…


Get Ready for Hurricane Season

As the hurricane season – June 1 through November 30 – unfolds, safety preparations should already be underway by homeowners and coastal business owners, including hotels and restaurants. Forecasters at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) say the Atlantic could see another above-normal hurricane season this year, predicting a 70% likelihood of 11 to…


5 Tips You Didn’t Know About Deck Safety

April showers bring May… liability claims? Okay, okay, we’re not trying to metaphorically rain on the upcoming deck parties, barbecues, and flowers sprouting up all around us. But the reality is that the potential for loss changes, just like the seasons.


Pool Safety: Pool Drownings Can Happen in A Flash

More than 3,500 people – many of them children – drown each year in the U.S. and many more suffer serious, irreversible injury in near-drowning incidents, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Furthermore, for every fatal drowning incident involving a child 14 years old or younger, three children require emergency room…


Crowdfunding: Giving Individuals A Piece of the Real Estate Action

Crowdfunding is turning the real estate investment sector on its head: It allows a group of investors to pool their money together to fund real estate transactions. On-line platforms connect individuals to commercial real estate investments across the United States, making it easier for them and real estate companies to raise capital as compared to…


The Skinny on Having Higher Umbrella/Excess Liability Limits

The industry sectors we insure are big businesses in the U.S. For example, revenue in the hotel industry across more than 52,000 properties is estimated at $189-plus billion. This includes everything from limited service hotels to luxury full-service hotels and resorts. The restaurant industry boasts $1 million-plus locations representing 10% of the workforce with revenues…


Dog Related Injuries and Homeowner Insurance Claims

Ouch! More than four million people per year are treated for dog related injuries. Claims generated by bite victims and dog owners can impact property owners and homeowner’s associations as well.We love these poochie pals, but sometimes their bite is worse than their bark. To the tune of about $570 million, dog bites and other…


Tour of Our Enhance Brownstone Insurance Program

Last month we announced our partnership with Zurich Insurance as the new underwriter for Distinguished’s hallmark New York Brick & Brownstone Program (NYBB). Developed in 2007, the program provides a diverse portfolio of owner- and tenant-occupied properties located within the Brooklyn, Queens and Manhattan boroughs with property and liability insurance. NYBB today serves more than…


Oroville Dam Risk Highlights Importance of Flood Readiness for Property Managers

After a five-year drought throughout the state, Northern California’s surface water systems have now been pushed to the breaking point on the heels of weeks of rainfall. Nearly 190,000 people were evacuated on February 12 over fears that a damaged spillway at the nation’s tallest dam in Lake Oroville located in the Sierra Nevada foothills…


When a Pipe Bursts in an Apartment Who is Responsible?

It’s that time of year again, and for much of the U.S. the freezing weather has set in and many renters flock to warmer destinations to soak up some warmth. Some renters may unplug appliances and turn off the heat when they leave, but the latter could cause major issues if the temperature plunges while…


Preventing Slips and Falls in Winter Months

Slip and fall accidents account for 15% of all accidental deaths in the United States. Annually, an estimated one million Americans will have an injury related to a fall, 600,000 will be hospitalized and 17,000 deaths will occur. Studies find most injuries result from contact with outside surfaces. Property owners could be liable for injuries…