Distinguished Blog - Hospitality & Restaurants

Market insights and industry news.

Hotel Primary Insurance: A Check-In to Success for Insurance Brokers

Ready to boost your expertise in Hotel Primary Insurance? If you missed our recent 30-minute webinar, “Hotel Primary Insurance: A Check-In to Success for Insurance Brokers,” don’t worry. You have the opportunity to learn game-changing sales strategies and insider knowledge that will set you apart from the competition. Hear from industry experts as they discuss…


Ice Hotels, the Coolest Winter Accommodations

Ice hotels are one of the hottest, excuse me, coolest things going this winter. Pair them with ice castles, ice-themed festivals, and maybe even a drink sipped out of an ice goblet, and travelers are in for a weekend of chilled-fun offerings. Ice hotels are popping up all over the globe and offer guests an…


Dangers of Guest Bathroom Slips and Falls

Guest injuries due to bathtub or shower slips and falls remain a constant source of exposure for hospitality management, and no wonder considering the abundancy of potential risks. In fact, a study on hotel accidents conducted by Cornell University concluded that at 42%, slips and falls were the most common type of accident hotel guests…


A Bird’s-Eye View on High-Rise Window Security

A century ago, buildings that were more than a few stories high were an engineering marvel; today, multi-storied and high-rise hotels are plentiful and routinely soar to increasing heights, all the better to market the expansive views as a major marketing point. Unfortunately, unique exposures exist that can trigger general liability and umbrella liability claims—consider…


Are Valets Steering Your Business in the Right Direction?

You’ve worked to give your establishment a certain cachet to cultivate the desired clientele. The ambiance begins in the parking lot, the moment guests drive up and hand their keys over to the red-jacketed valets out front. Giving your valets a snappy uniform is only the beginning; equipping them with processes geared toward safety and…


Next Stop: Wellness

“Hi! I just checked in and I want to feel worse after I leave.” Said no hotel guest ever. In fact, the pendulum keeps swinging way over in the other direction and sticking there. Guests are not just looking for a clean, comfortable place to stay with restaurant options and proximity to destinations, they are actively…


All I Want For Christmas Is Some 3-D Food

3-D printers—they’re not just for making cool plastic things anymore. They’re for making dinner! That’s right 3-D food. Consider it the hospitality wave of the future that’s already lapping on some shores. Just take some pureed raw chicken, add in some vitamins, minerals, and veggies, and print out this liquefied form into any shape you…


Trees Are the New Hotel

It’s a tree. It’s a house. It’s a booked-from-your-phone luxury treehouse! There are a few fun factors at play here. Sustainability, luxury, and creativity all work together to create one of the hospitality industry’s coolest offerings: top-of-the-line treehouses.


Hackers Targeting Hotel Ransomware Attacks

Imagine it’s check-in or check-out time at your hotel on a Saturday right before a holiday and the entire computer system is locked. Kaput. Smiles and sorrys aren’t doing the trick. The “server reboot to the rescue” doesn’t get business up-and-running.  In fact, it turns out that your software has been attacked by ransomware—a nasty…


Bee Hotels. It’s What’s Happening On A Hotel Roof Near You

We’re seeing a whole new kind of rooftop hangout from San Fran to New York to Paris and Taipei. It involves one rockin’ queen, a few hundred thousand of her closest friends, and jars upon jars of honey as a bonus. Bee hotels. It’s what’s happening on a hotel roof near you. The Colony Collapse…


Bedbugs: The Party Guest Nobody Invited

If you’re thinking of skipping this blog because your hotel or apartment building hasn’t had any complaints of bedbugs, think again. This six-legged public nuisance can crop up in even the cleanest of places. All it takes is one lonely bedbuggie looking to crash your party. Bedbugs, and the litany of potential problems they can…