Post Topic

Community Associations Insurance

How Agents Can Lower the Cost of Workers’ Comp

Workers’ Compensation insurance is mandatory in nearly every state and designed to provide employees with coverage for medical costs and lost wages for workplace-related injuries or illnesses. Work Comp premiums are based on three factors: classification codes, employer payroll, and an employer’s experience modification (ex-mod).


HOAs Brace for Winter

While summer is the time for homeowners’ associations to show off their luxurious amenities — the sparkling pool, the pristine tennis courts, the vibrant landscaping, etc — winter is no less important when it comes to maintenance. When the weather turns frosty, a host of different problems present themselves. And if community associations are not…


Water Conservation Tips for Buildings

It’s a no-brainer: Water=Life. We need it, we use it, but we have to conserve it better. Commercial and residential buildings can have a huge impact on water conservation with just a handful of low-cost or no-cost water solutions.


View from Above: Inside the Real Estate, Community Association Umbrella Markets

The impact of today’s hard insurance market – characterized by higher prices, diminished capacity, and tighter underwriting guidelines – is being felt across all industry sectors and, depending on the class of business and its location, much more so than others. Susan DeCarlo, Vice President – Product Manager, Distinguished – provides us with a high-level…


Trick-or-Treat Safety for Community Associations

While individual homeowners may choose to partake in Halloween festivities however they see fit, community association owners have a responsibility to try to minimize the spread of COVID-19. The most widely-known Halloween activity — trick-or-treating — is expected to look different this fall in the wake of the pandemic. Below are a few trick-or-treat safety…


Fire Safety Maintenance and Prevention Tips

While deaths from fires have steadily decreased over the past several decades, thousands of Americans die by fire every year, and thousands more are injured. According to FEMA estimates,  the damage from fires cost over $25.6 billion in 2018 alone. Following a summer of record-breaking wildfires, comes the peak time for fire-related deaths: the winter…


Preventing Slip and Fall Insurance Claims

Year after year, slips, trips, and falls remain the number-one insurance claim for property owners. More than three million people visit the emergency room each year because of falls, according to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). The average hospital visit costs $30,000 to $50,000. Add in factors like ongoing medical bills and…


Surge in Home Improvement Projects Amid COVID-19

As the pandemic keeps Americans in their houses and apartments, many are pulling out their toolboxes and getting to work on home improvement projects. Quarantine has us spending much more time than normal in our homes, resulting in both listless boredom and displeasure with our surroundings. What was once a minor flaw is now a…


LDW Safety Tips for Restaurants and Community Associations

Labor Day is just around the corner, which means it’s the perfect time to kiss summer goodbye and host a socially-distant event at your restaurant or community association. By now, you probably have a strict list of health and safety guidelines set in place to prevent the spread of COVID-19 during these unprecedented times. But…


COVID-19-Related Litigation Landscape and D&O Insurance

The coronavirus has taken its toll on businesses, workers, and the economy with the insurance industry at the center of quite a number of disputed cases, particularly with regard to business interruption losses. But over the last several months, we’ve also seen litigation impacting corporate directors and officers (D&O) – from securities class-action suits to…