Distinguished Blog - Hospitality & Restaurants
Market insights and industry news.
The Beat Doesn’t Go On as Lawsuits Hit Hospitality Industry for Copyright Infringement
Walk into any hotel lobby, restaurant, or bar with music playing. Even when the music is background noise, it’s integral to the establishment’s ambiance and elevating the guest experience. Yet without proper licensing, establishments are taking a big risk of being hit with a copyright infringement lawsuit. Hotels, bars, and restaurants around the country are…
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Builders Site Protection and Market Changes
Note: Distinguished Programs no longer offers Builder’s Risk or Vacant Building insurance. Explore our other programs for tailored solutions. The pandemic caused unprecedented business closures during April and May across the country, particularly in the hospitality and retail sectors; sent professionals home to work remotely; emptied out office buildings; and shut down construction projects. We…
Preventing Slip and Fall Insurance Claims
Year after year, slips, trips, and falls remain the number-one insurance claim for property owners. More than three million people visit the emergency room each year because of falls, according to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). The average hospital visit costs $30,000 to $50,000. Add in factors like ongoing medical bills and…
Business Interruption COVID-19 Litigation Continues
The coronavirus pandemic brought businesses to its knees, shuttering everything from restaurants to hotels, gyms, hair salons, retailers, and other establishments. Many business owners turned to their Business Interruption (BI) insurance policies to cover loss of income and to pay ongoing expenses like payroll, rent, etc. Yet BI policies are designed to respond only if…
Inside the Liability Risks of Turning Hotels Into Dorms
Over the last several months, hotels have been coming up with innovative ways to generate revenue and stay afloat with tourism virtually nil and business meetings going virtual amid the pandemic. Some hotels are offering on-site offices while others have extended their pool hours to attract more guests. But some hotels have pivoted to provide…
Mitigating Fitness Center Risks
Industry experts estimate that 59% of U.S. business travelers used hotel gyms prior to the coronavirus pandemic. As gyms across the country, including those in hotels, reopen, hotel owners need to worry about both the coronavirus and traditional fitness center risks. Controlling the spread of coronavirus in gyms is likely at the forefront of everyone’s…
LDW Safety Tips for Restaurants and Community Associations
Labor Day is just around the corner, which means it’s the perfect time to kiss summer goodbye and host a socially-distant event at your restaurant or community association. By now, you probably have a strict list of health and safety guidelines set in place to prevent the spread of COVID-19 during these unprecedented times. But…
Inside the HVAC Risk and COVID-19 Exposure in Restaurants, Office Buildings
COVID-19 is spread either by inhaling respiratory droplets or, more rarely, touching a contaminated surface and then your eyes, according to the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). However, aerosol transmission of the disease cannot be ruled out, says WHO, with the possibility that the virus can be…
Creative Ways Hotels Are Adapting to COVID-19
Similar to the restaurant industry, COVID-19 hit the hotel industry hard, and recovery will not be quick nor easy. In an effort to keep their business afloat, several hotel chains and boutique locations have devised creative plans to continue welcoming guests. Here are a few ways that hotels are adapting to COVID-19.
Swimming Pool Safety Equipment and Spa Safety Measures
While some community association pools remain closed, others are open, under new, socially distant protocol. Ensuring that residents are safe from COVID-19 is likely at the forefront of community association owners’ minds, but the possibility of an injury caused by unsafe pool and spa practices is still an important consideration. In addition to a full-coverage…
Creative Ways Restaurants Are Responding to Coronavirus
While restrictions have eased and restaurant sales are seeing an increase, the restaurant industry is far from normal. During the first three months of the pandemic alone, the National Restaurant Association estimates that the restaurant and foodservice industry lost over $120 billion of revenue. And over half of all restaurants are expected to remain permanently…