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Hospitality & Restaurant Insurance

How Hotels are Keeping Guests Safe from COVID-19

As outbreaks of the COVID-19 pandemic continue to spread throughout the United States, hotels are working hard to adapt. While half of U.S. hotels are anticipated to close amidst the crisis, those remaining in operation are working hard to ensure that the risk of infection is minimized for both guests and employees.


Business Interruption Insurance: At Issue Amid COVID-19 Shutdowns

Whether or not Business Interruption insurance should step in and pay for loss of income as a result of temporary business closures due to the COVID-19 pandemic is a topic of heated debate among different stakeholders. Let’s take a close look at what’s taking place.


Covid-19 Crime Prevention: The Need to Step Up Security of Unoccupied Establishments, Limited Operations

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, across the country local and state decrees have mandated non-essential businesses to close or limit operations, including restaurants and bars, in order to help prevent the spread of the virus. In addition to having been hard hit by the loss of income and employee layoffs, a spike in burglaries…


Stakeholder Considerations for the Hotel Industry Amid Coronavirus Pandemic

The coronavirus pandemic has upended industries across the globe with the hospitality sector among the hardest hit, with personal and business trips coming to a halt due to travel bans and restrictions and major conferences and events cancelled or postponed. Many hotels have been forced to make difficult decisions amid the crisis. The economic fallout…


Up-and-Coming Employee Benefits

Having awesome employee benefits has always helped ease the 9 to 5. But as the standard 9 to 5 work routine changes with the times, so do the benefits. Up-and-coming benefits that attract quality employees—and help retain them—are all about making the work-life balance more flexible and forward-thinking. Flexible Scheduling The majority of office jobs…


Restaurants Data Breaches on the Menu of Top Risks

Restaurants, even small establishments, are vulnerable to data breaches because of the large number of on-line credit card transactions they handle daily. Experts say that point-of-sale restaurant data breaches are the “single biggest” cyber threat to the restaurant sector, as they offer the most direct route to credit cards and financial gain. It’s estimated that…


Preparedness Leads to Successful Crisis Management

Property owners face many different types of risks, including liability events that can result in media scrutiny and negative publicity, reputational damage, and additional loss of revenue. From a pool drowning at a condo to sexual assault in an office-building elevator, a deadly shooting at a mall, or allegations of tenant discrimination at a co-op…


Understanding the Importance of Crisis Response Coverage

From a balcony collapsing at an apartment complex to sexual assault in an office building, the fallout from catastrophic events can quickly draw media attention. Property owners and managers must take action immediately to minimize reputational damage and protect their financial welfare. If not handled properly, losses to the company can be devastating.


Avoiding Electric Shocks

Getting an electric shock is not something that most hotel staff or guests prepare for. When an unexpected zap occurs, injuries can range from mild to severe. An electrical shock could result in burns, shortness of breath, chest pain, nausea, and even unconsciousness and death. In the hospitality industry, opportunities for electrical shock can present…


Hotel Data Breaches, Other Attacks Underscore the Need for Cyber Insurance

In mid-February, MGM Resorts confirmed that, in the summer of 2019, the personal data of some 10.6 million guests was exposed on the dark web, potentially for hackers to abuse. The leaked data, according to ZDNet, included guests’ names, addresses, phone numbers, emails, and birthdates. MGM in its statement said, “It was confident that no…