Distinguished Blog - Community Associations

Market insights and industry news.

Here’s what’s new with our Express Community Associations Umbrella

We have opened our new broker portal for our Express Community Associations Umbrella. You can expect it to be faster and more efficient for submitting Express Community Associations Umbrellas.   Here are some key details you need to know:  What’s New in Our Express Community Associations Umbrella?   How to Utilize the New Portal   Other Community Associations Products   Need Assistance?  …


New Hotline: Community Association Legal Resource

We know you wear a lot of hats. Is one of them “Legal Advisor?” Have you ever been asked one of the following questions by your boards or managers? A co-op owner wants to redo his driveway, but the board hasn’t approved the materials. How should the board proceed? The board would like to change…


How to Upscale Your Portfolio With Condo Investment

In our first blog Diversify Your Portfolio with Culture, we discussed cultural institution risks that present sizable opportunities for brokers interested in growing their business in urban areas. Another urban risk that could either diversify your portfolio, or make you the resident specialist, is likely right around the corner, and could lead you to a community…


5 D&O Lawsuits That The Board Never Saw Coming

Volunteer work can be some of the most gratifying hours of our week. Giving our time and sometimes our expertise to a cause that we believe in can feel wonderful-while making a positive difference to a group or cause that needs our help. Serving on your community association’s board is no different. How can board…