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Hospitality & Restaurant Insurance

Top 3 Emerging Hotel Risks – Hotel Executive

Over the last decade, it’s become clear that hotel risks have evolved dramatically. Through unfortunate events like the Las Vegas shooting and different movements that have emerged, we’ve learned that hotel owners and operators must develop a dependable plan around how they’ll protect their guests, their data, and their employees along with their data. To…


Infographic – The High Cost of a Damaged Reputation

Violence on your property can cost you your reputation and a whole lot more. When an event occurs that damages a company’s reputation, exorbitant amounts of money can be spent on everything from lawsuits, personnel expenses, and marketing to repair the brand’s name. Investments already made to the brand might have to be reevaluated and…


Focus on the Hotel Industry – The Rough Notes Company Inc.

While the growth of the travel and hospitality industries creates opportunities, it also poses increasing challenges.  Human trafficking and hotel shootings may not have been top concerns 10 or 20 years ago, but they have sadly and undoubtedly climbed up the ladder of major issues facing hotels in recent years.  Seeing how the privilege of…


Liquor Liability Risk Management Tips

Restaurant owners and managers should be implementing best business practices to help mitigate their operation’s alcohol-related risks. According to a report from the Center on Alcohol Marketing and Youth (CAMY)  54.3% of binge drinkers who reported driving after their most recent binge-drinking episode drank in an on-premises, retail, alcohol-serving establishment such as a bar, club, or restaurant. Please…


What Can Hospitality Businesses do in the Wake of an Act of Extreme Violence?

In any situation, the prevention of extreme violence is always preferable to the grief and damage control that will inevitably come in its aftermath. However, recent events expose the reality of how extreme violence can occur in the hospitality industry. Learn about five steps that you can take to mitigate your business’ risk, should the unthinkable…


Preventing Extreme Violence in the Hospitality Industry

With extreme violence developing into a nationwide epidemic, it’s an undeniable tragedy for the victims involved, as well as their families and loved ones. The communities and businesses in which the incidents have taken place are also affected. Following the shocking events that took place last October in Las Vegas, many players in the hospitality…


Not In My Hotel

Sexual harassment happens. Can you say “Not in my hotel” and mean it? Victims of sexual harassment are speaking up more and more these days, as evidenced by our nation’s ongoing scandals that pepper the news every week. ABC News recently reported that 60% of women have experienced sexual harassment on the job. And while…


New Bill Would Allow Victims to Sue Hotels for Trafficking

Florida may be the next state to pass a bill that allows victims of human trafficking to sue members of the hospitality industry that have turned a blind eye to the crimes committed behind their closed doors. Texas and Pennsylvania have already passed similar legislation, and now, a new bill is passing through the Florida…


Does Your Hotel Have This Hidden Hazard?

Does your hotel have a hidden hazard right in front of your face, or rather, your window? Window blind cords continue to kill children, decades after safety concerns about the risk of accidental strangulation has been recognized. Window cords don’t need to be old or broken to pose a risk. The existing model of corded…


Would the New ADA Bill Protect Your Business?

Are you 100% ADA-compliant? Would your hotel or restaurant rather get a lawsuit or a letter? A new bill, aimed to curb legal action against property owners, will be voted on this week in the House.