Distinguished Blog - Market Insights

Market insights and industry news.

Hotel Primary Insurance: A Check-In to Success for Insurance Brokers

Ready to boost your expertise in Hotel Primary Insurance? If you missed our recent 30-minute webinar, “Hotel Primary Insurance: A Check-In to Success for Insurance Brokers,” don’t worry. You have the opportunity to learn game-changing sales strategies and insider knowledge that will set you apart from the competition. Hear from industry experts as they discuss…


5 D&O Lawsuits That The Board Never Saw Coming

Volunteer work can be some of the most gratifying hours of our week. Giving our time and sometimes our expertise to a cause that we believe in can feel wonderful-while making a positive difference to a group or cause that needs our help. Serving on your community association’s board is no different. How can board…


The Coverage Your Builder and Contractor Clients Forget to Buy

(Spoiler Alert: You can add it on to your proposals in minutes.) Construction is everywhere. Whether you’re stuck in traffic because of highway repairs, watching new luxury condos go up, or building a residential home, new construction, remodeling, and renovations are all around us. And with construction comes risk… a lot of risk.


4 Urban Risks To Help You Grow Your Portfolio

Opportunities for a more diversified portfolio, increased referral business, and some really interesting underwriting are right around the corner in your neighborhood. Here are 4 urban risks that could be your new favorite specialty:   Cultural Institutions Urban areas are home to hundreds of cultural institutions, ranging from Natural History museums to local art galleries….