Posts Tagged ‘alcohol accidents’
Liquor Liability Risk Management Tips
Restaurant owners and managers should be implementing best business practices to help mitigate their operation’s alcohol-related risks. According to a report from the Center on Alcohol Marketing and Youth (CAMY) 54.3% of binge drinkers who reported driving after their most recent binge-drinking episode drank in an on-premises, retail, alcohol-serving establishment such as a bar, club, or restaurant. Please…
Read MoreBars, Restaurants Responsible for Patrons’ Actions Under Dram Shop Laws
Dram shop laws allow establishments like bars and restaurants that sell alcohol to be held accountable for damage or injury caused by their patrons. There are 41 states with dram shop laws to varying degrees. Those states without dram shop laws are Delaware, Kansas, Louisiana, Maryland, Nebraska, Nevada, South Dakota and Virginia. Dram shop cases…
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