A man walks into a Vegas hotel room. Sees a silhouette of a person in his darkened room. In a panic, he scrambles away, causing injuries to his body and mind. Bam. Lawsuit. The twist?
The “person” he saw was a mannequin, part of room decorations in a Planet Hollywood casino-hotel with 2,500 rooms. Here’s where umbrella coverage comes in to cover expenses above and beyond standard insurance limits for liability claims.
Umbrella coverage is vital for accidents like the one at Los Angeles Crowne Plaza Hotel, where an employee was severely injured when a woman fell from a hotel room eleven stories above. Surgeries, treatment, and loss of wages to the tune of more than $16 million.
And sometimes it’s employees who are charged. A South Carolina EconoLodge was a hit with recent lawsuit when an employee allegedly verbally and then physically assaulted hotel guests. Hotels must provide safe environments for guests, and when criminal charges occur, umbrella coverage will help cover the cost of litigation and settlements.
Take the 2016 accident at a Ramada hotel in Oregon where an 87-year-old woman was struck by the automatic doors, causing her to fall and hit her head. Hours later she died. The family is seeking $2.7 million in a wrongful death suit. Could this happen at your hotel?
Literal umbrellas (the ones we hold in our hands above our heads) are for rainy days. So too is umbrella insurance, which adds a significant layer of protection for the rainy days as well as the hurricanes. We can’t predict when or where the next accident will occur, but we can provide coverage to protect against those claims.
Our excess liability offers limits up to $300 million, with excellent pricing and low minimum premiums. We have broad coverage to satisfy your requirements as well as hospitality-specific enhancements. Details are available at Distinguished and our experts are always available to talk!