April showers bring May… liability claims? Okay, okay, we’re not trying to metaphorically rain on the upcoming deck parties, barbecues, and flowers sprouting up all around us. But the reality is that the potential for loss changes, just like the seasons.
And with spring upon us, ensuring deck safety and loss prevention is critical for property and hotel owners before the season is in full swing.
One area of concern is balcony collapse—a costly and sometimes fatal occurrence, which can be prevented with routine checks and maintenance. Distinguished partnered with Great American Insurance Group to tackle this topic, and we’ve created a downloadable PDF for your ease of reference.
This go-to doc covers five key points for preventing deck, porch, and balcony collapse. Quiz yourself before downloading the doc: Think you’ve got all the answers to these 5 important deck safety questions?
- What’s the maximum capacity for your properties’ decks? Is it posted?
- How old is the deck? And how long do decks last?
- What should you be looking for during a spring inspection?
- What items should be removed from decks?
- Where can you go for a safety video and complete consumer checklist?
Keeping residents and guests safe is key. And we hope that by ensuring that all decks are safe, your spring will bloom just a little bit brighter. We know ours will.