Sexual harassment happens. Can you say “Not in my hotel” and mean it?
Victims of sexual harassment are speaking up more and more these days, as evidenced by our nation’s ongoing scandals that pepper the news every week. ABC News recently reported that 60% of women have experienced sexual harassment on the job. And while the majority of women have traditionally not reported incidents sexual harassment, for fear of retribution at work, the tide is slowly changing. Along with the business and finance sectors, the hospitality industry has been rated high among industries for sexual harassment issues. Our report last year pointed to the very real costs of sexual harassment, upwards of $50 million a year in settlements. And growing. So what is a hotel to do?
Getting up to speed in what is and what isn’t a valid sexual harassment claim is a great place to start. Sexual harassment reports, by definition, aren’t always filed by the victims. Indeed, someone who witnessed the crass language or sexually inappropriate conduct can lodge the complaint as well.
Sexual harassment training is mandatory and you can check your state’s recertification requirements in this training list. Preventing sexual harassment is the first step, and correcting it when it happens is the second. Check out our bulleted tips for managing this important aspect of job training.
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