We're Here to Help
To help you navigate working with Distinguished, you'll find answers to almost all of your questions on this page. And if you can't find your answer, send us an email or give us a call.

How To Get Things Done
For portal-based products, many service needs can be easily and immediately taken care of from your Broker Portal account. For products that aren't available via the portal, you'll find instructions in the sections below that let you know what to do and how to do it.
Servicing Policies
Need to change your policy? Change requests must be made in writing, please email all requests to your Underwriter.
Contact UsPolicy Change Requests
Policy change requests should always have the following information:
- Name Insured
- Effective Date of Change/Transaction
- Policy Number
Please email your underwriter and include the above information in the subject line.
Add Mortgagee/Loss Payee
- Mortgagee Name & Address
- Location Address(es)
Description of Interest
- Named Insured/Additional Interest
- New Interest Name
- Relationship to First Named Insured
- Location Address(es)
- Insurable Interest
Add Location
This change request requires a completed application, which you can find within each program section.
Cancellation of Policy
- Complete Lost Policy Release (LPR) form
Have additional questions about the portal or payment? Our FAQs are categorized for easy navigation.
Why do some of the amounts on my accounting statement have parentheses around them?
Parentheses indicate a credit on your statement. If you’d like the credit applied to another account or refunded back to you, please send a request to accounting@distinguished.com and we’ll take care of it for you.
Can I check to see if payment has been received?
Yes! Your Accounting Statement report has a search function that allows you to look up a specific policy and find out if anything is owed. See our Reports Tutorial to help you get started. If you sent payment and the policy still shows as unpaid, we are likely still awaiting receipt. If it shows as paid, job well done! If you have any questions about your payment, don’t hesitate to contact us via email: accounting@distinguished.com or phone: 888.355.4626.
Can I pay my bill online?
We currently accept online payments for agency billed and direct billed policies. The link to pay online can be found on the invoice. To view the invoice, navigate to the policy summary screen and use the attachments tab.
How do I find out the overall balance for my office? Is there a way to view outstanding payments and credits as well?
You can find your overall balance and view outstanding payments and credits by using our Accounting Statement report. See our Reports Tutorial to help you get started.
How do I change my commission?
Our standard broker commission is 10%. We offer net quotes for some products. If you would like to discuss options, please contact your underwriter directly.
Is commission included in the premium?
The best way to determine the commission percentage on your account is to check the individual invoice. You can access all of your invoices on our Accounting Statement report.
What are my billing options? Can I choose agency or direct billing?
Most of our programs are agency billed only. You can choose this option on the pricing and options page before binding.
Where do I submit a claim?
We’re sorry your insured has had a claim, but we’re happy to help. Please submit the claim directly to the carrier on the policy. The instructions for submitting your claim can be found on your individual policy. A listing of each of our carrier’s claim reporting addresses can be found here.
Can I obtain loss runs from the portal?
We are working on providing loss runs on the portal. In the meantime, please send your request for loss runs to dpgclaims@distinguished.com.
If there are any other features you’d like to see available/improved, please use the suggestion box to share your thoughts!
Is the broker portal only available during business hours?
It’s the Internet! It works 24/7.
How can we find the program we want on the portal?
Submit and service accounts for the following programs:
- New York Brick & Brownstone
- Community Association Umbrella
- Directors and Officers
- Crime
- Real Estate Umbrella
- Limited Service Hotels
- City Homes
Don’t see the programs you want?
Don’t worry! We have them. It’s just that they currently utilize a different application method. Click here to submit.
Can our customers access the portal?
As a managing general agency, we work exclusively with brokers. Insureds are not able to access the portal.
What do I need to do to get appointed?
To get your brokerage appointed with us, click here. If your agency is already registered, click here to get a login for yourself.
Does each person in our office have their own login, or do we all share a login?
Each individual can opt to have their own or log in or logins can be shared. Everyone in your office will have access to all of your brokerage accounts with Distinguished. To create a personalized portal login, click here.
To see all accounts toggle to Agency View. From the account icon drop-down, click Personal View / Agency View and select Agency View.
What is the broker portal? What features are available?
The broker portal is an online platform where registered brokers and agents can quote, bind, and service accounts efficiently!
When is a branch office considered another location?
A Branch Office is considered another location from which operations are conducted under the same legal entity name and Tax ID/FEIN as a registered entity/location that has a valid Retail Brokerage Agreement (RBA) on file with us (one RBA shall suffice for all branch offices).
If my brokerage has purchased all of the business of the acquired brokerage, do we have to submit a list of policyholders and assigned account representatives?
Yes, a list of policyholders showing your assigned account representatives is needed to identify whom we should direct policyholder information to at the acquiring brokerage. Otherwise, Policy documents and communications will continue to be sent to the existing email address/domain of the account handler currently assigned to each policy.
What is a Retail Brokerage Agreement?
A Retail Brokerage Agreement (RBA) is a contract that outlines the duties, responsibilities and conduct of our business relationship. If the acquiring firm is not registered with Distinguished or does not have a valid RBA on file with us, you must register and/or execute an RBA prior to conducting business with Distinguished. This agreement is a separate document from the Brokerage Merger/Acquisition Form and must be reviewed and signed by an authorized representative of your brokerage.
Do we still complete the form and submit the supporting documentation if my brokerage has only acquired a specific book of business?
Yes, please complete the entire Brokerage Merger/Acquisition Form and select “Specific policies to be transferred to the Buyer per the attached list.” in Section IV of the form.
My brokerage has acquired an entity with multiple branch office locations. What do we do?
A list of all locations/branch offices to be transferred to the acquiring entity should be submitted with the Brokerage Merger/Acquisition Form. This includes physical and mailing street, city, state, and zip code.
Does my brokerage need to be registered if we acquired another brokerage that does business with Distinguished?
Yes, the acquiring brokerage firm would need to register in order for the Merger/Acquisition process to be completed in our system. Please click the following link to complete the registration process prior to submitting the Brokerage Merger/Acquisition Form and supporting documentation.
Where is the Producer ID?
Producer ID can be found on invoices sent to the retail broker or policyholder.
If my brokerage has gone through a merger or acquisition, what do we do?
Complete the Brokerage Merger/Acquisition Form and send the form to Compliance@Distinguished.com together with the stipulated supporting documents listed in the form. A Brokerage Merger /Acquisition Form is applicable only when it involves the acquisition of an existing book of business placed through Distinguished.
Additionally, if the acquiring brokerage firm is not currently registered with us, you will need to complete the registration process and execute our Retail Brokerage Agreement.
What is an acquisition?
An acquisition can occur when an individual or firm purchase some or all the assets and/or stock of a brokerage firm or entity.
What is a merger?
A merger can occur when two or more existing brokerages (or entities) unite.
How to Bind – City Insurance and New York Brick & Brownstone Programs
How do I configure my browser to work with the portal?
Your browser settings may be incompatible with our site. Try adding Portal.Distinguished.com as a “trusted domain.” Instructions for doing that are here. If you’re still having issues, contact your sales executive.
My page isn’t loading the way it normally does. What should I do?
If the screens appear to be loading incorrectly, try clearing your browser cache using the following instructions here.
Which devices and browsers can I use to access the portal?
The portal is accessible on your computer, tablet, or mobile phone. Any browser will work, but Google Chrome provides the smoothest experience.
I ran into an error. Is my submission saved?
Yes! The portal automatically saves your inputs as you work on a transaction, so even if you run into an error, you won’t lose any work. Simply re-open your submission via the dashboard (searching for the named insured or reference number) to pick up where you left off.
What happens if I run into an error while submitting an application?
Oh, we know that can be frustrating. Please hang in there! Take a screenshot or make a note of the specific error message you received, and what you were doing when it occurred, and contact your sales executive with that information. They’ll help you find a solution!
What do I do if I forget my password?
No problem. It happens all the time! Click here to reset your password.
I entered my correct password but I can’t log in. What do I do?
If you run into an error while logging in, first try resetting your password via the forgot password tool Click here. If you are still having problems, please contact your sales executive, or phone: 888.355.4626
What if I have a question?
Feel free to submit an inquiry form here. Get in touch with a qualified expert ready to assist you in your area here, or reach out by phone at (888) 355-626
I think I’ve done business with Distinguished Programs before. How can I find out if I am still registered?
Contact your sales representative to check on the status of your appointment. If you don’t know who your sales rep is, click here.
What is the status of my submission?
Click on the “I” button in the orange box of a submission to get more information on the status of the submission.
I’d like to access a policy that wasn’t bound using the portal. Can I still find it online?
We use the portal to rate and service most of our programs, so even if you submitted a paper application or bound a policy via email, the account will be available on the portal! Click here to see a list of programs that are currently supported on the portal.
I would like to bind a quote! Can I do this online?
Yes! Once a formal quote is issued and the status is ‘bindable,’ you will be able to bind the account directly from the policy summary screen or the dashboard.
How can I find a specific policy or submission?
All of your submissions, quotes, and active policies can be accessed using the portal! You can use the filters on the Dashboard to narrow down to the relevant records, or you can use the search bar at the top of the screen to find a specific account.
Where can I find information for a specific policy?
We’ve streamlined our design so that any information you’ll need on a specific account can be found on the policy summary screen, including a list of transactions, coverage limits, and downloadable policy documents.
Can I download policy documents on the portal?
Yes, you can now instantly access documents through the Broker Portal. Open any account, click “All Documents” and you’ll find a list of documents. Here is a quick guide to help you the next time you need a document.
Why is the system slow today?
The spinning wheel you might see on the page means that our system is processing any changes that may have been made on the account. It is actively determining eligibility, altering values, and seeking out any credits available for the risk. It’s working to find the best price available!
How can I get alternate options for limits/deductibles?
You can change and quote different limits and deductibles on the pricing and options page of the submission.
Can I edit a submission I’ve already quoted?
Yes, you can use the edit button to revise your submission.
Can access my submission after it has been submitted? Can I find policies that are already bound?
Your dashboard houses all of your open submissions, quotes, and policies. You can use the filters to narrow down to a particular group, or you can use the search function at the top of the page to find a specific account.
Why was my submission referred?
If you’d like more detail on why your submission was referred, you can reach out to your underwriter.
What’s the quickest way to turn around a submission or an endorsement?
Using the online portal is the quickest way to make changes to a policy or to submit new business. If eligible, you can bind these transactions on the spot. Here is a quick guide to help you the next time you need to submit an endorsement.
Not Sure?
If you didn’t find what you need or aren’t clear about it, please contact us.
For product or appetite questions, contact your Sales Executive. You can find them here.
For service-related requests please contact us using our new program emails.
Or call our service team at 888-355-4626