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City Homes Insurance

Landlord Insurance in Madison, WI: Keeping Your Clients’ Rental Properties Safe

In the dynamic landscape of property ownership, landlords face a multitude of risks that can impact their financial stability. To counter these uncertainties, landlord insurance emerges as a crucial shield, offering a sense of security and protection. In this informative article, we will delve into the world of landlord insurance in Madison, Wisconsin, exploring its…


What Does the City Insurance Program Cover? Part 1

This is an excerpt from our free “Broker’s Guide to City Insurance Program” eBook. Click here to download your copy. City Insurance or Landlord Insurance provides both Property and Liability insurance for multi-family buildings, apartments, condos, brownstones, and co-ops, addressing their unique exposures. Here is an overview of what our program offers. Property Insurance Our Property…


Top 3 Areas People Forget When Winterizing A Home

During the winter season most of us remember to do obvious things like crank up the thermostat and stock up on rock salt to prevent slips on icy sidewalks. Depending on where you live, some winterizing preps might seem unnecessary. However, these can quickly turn into costly black swans.


New York Brick & Brownstone Insurance: A Broker’s Guide

Brick and brownstone residential buildings grace New York City’s leafy avenues, from Manhattan to Brooklyn and Queens. Just take a stroll down Joralemon Street in Brooklyn Heights, for example, and you’ll find yourself on the kind of New York City street you imagined as a child – a cobblestone lane lined with historic brownstones. Or visit…


What is City Insurance?

This is an excerpt from our free “Broker’s Guide to City Insurance Program” eBook. Click here to download your copy. The Property insurance market for habitation risks – including multi-family, apartments, condos, and co-ops – has experienced consistent rate increases over the last several years as a result of loss frequency and severity. Catastrophe-exposed areas, in…


Landlord Insurance: Costs and Coverages in the City

Renters account for 36% of households in the US. Over the coming years, that percentage is expected to grow as the number of multi-family housing construction increases. If you want to capitalize on this influx, you need to educate yourself on the ins and outs of this market. Landlord insurance isn’t as simple as it…


City Insurance Program Q + A [Webinar Recording]

Attention Big City Brokers: If you insure apartments in metropolitan areas for building owners up to 100 units or have condominium association city clients, this exclusive program is meant for you. Watch our FREE Q+A webinar recording and then learn more here. Get the handouts here: Slides: Download the Webinar Slides hereQ + A’s: View…


The Importance of Underwriting Flexibility in City Housing

In a competitive insurance marketplace, having access to a program that provides underwriting flexibility in addition to tailored, comprehensive coverage gives agents and brokers a leg up when approaching prospects for new business and in retaining existing accounts. Distinguished Programs is committed to pioneering and creating innovative products supported by underwriting expertise and flexibility and…


City Insurance Program…A Closer Look

The Distinguished City Insurance Program provides specialized insurance coverage to meet the needs of property owners and landlords for homes in select cities. Eligible classes include apartment buildings, condos, co-ops, brownstones, and mixed-used properties up to 100 units in a single building or listed on a schedule. When insuring city homes, particularly properties with multiple…


3 Reasons Umbrella Insurance for Rental Properties is Essential

If you were to skydive, would you want one chute or two? The obvious answer is two because skydiving is a calculated risk, and if something were to go wrong, you’d want a backup. Landlords often think they’re financially protected from lawsuits because they already have one chute: landlord insurance. However, sometimes, landlord insurance isn’t…